
How to wear Wide Leg Pants

Wide Leg Pants

I’ve recently fallen in love with wide-leg pants. I love the chic silhouette they have, and the loose fit is so comfortable to wear! Also recently I always wear wide-leg pants to work, almost everyday!


Wide Leg Pants Jeans

15 years later, the ’70s trend is back—except the modern iteration of wide-leg denim isn’t so much bell-bottom as it is a roomy, subtle flare. Still, after The Era of Skinny Jeans that lasted eons, it’s not always easy to put together an wide-leg jean outfit without feeling, but still have some ways. When I wear Wide-leg jeans, I love to wear black top to match it, for it the best style for me.

Outfit : casual style with leather jacket


white wide-leg pants

Black and white is undoubtedly the most famous and the most favorite combination to pull off. The smartest way to wear white wide leg pants is to pair them with a black tee, black sweater. It looks incredibly sexy anyone. Also you can wear all-white to match other prints coat, just like the first photo of me.


black / blue wide-leg pants

When they say”less is more”, agree to it. I love this white top to put the wide-leg pants together because I think there’s a good balance of structure and flowing drape going on between the two.

Outfit : Cream and Blue


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