
[ Skin ] From bad to be good. Part.1 – The reason why the pimples show up.

About my skin.

In fact, my skin was basically not as good as now and I’ve lots of rotten acne on my face of 3 years ago. However, In this year, the happiest praise I heard was your skin is good! So, today I am going to share the process I have worked so hard to improve my skin from the big rotten acne to now.


The processes of my skin from bad to be good:
A. Skin condition peak period
B. The Whitehead was Outbreak
C. In the most desperate period, whiteheads continue to become pimples
D. The situation started to improve with mandelic acid
E. Seek medical treatment at the beauty clinic for DPC treatment
F. Recently my skin condition that I striving to maintain with skin care products
A. 膚況巔峰發光時期
B. 白頭粉刺大爆發初期
C. 最絕望的時期,白頭粉刺不斷發炎成為內胞型痘痘
D. 用杏仁酸,情況開始改善
E. 求救醫美診所,做DPC療程
F. 最近的膚況,努力用保養品維持

about the history of my pimples

In 2016, I was a senior. At that time, I was always trying to sell something to earn some money, so I joined the pyramid scheme to selling makeup products, which I started to do some different makeup every daily. However, I didn’t know how much important the skincare is, which I didn’t do any skincare at that time that I only to do some normal makeup removal and wash up my face. Eventually, at the end of 106, the whiteheads outbreak instantly. But I didn’t know what’s different on whiteheads and blackheads that I thought it would be OK to squeeze them out. However, the more I crowded the whiteheads out, the more they come out on my face.



At the beginning of 2017, I started to find some ways to treat my skin that one of my friend recommended the medical beauty clinic in the Eastern District, Taipei. So I accepted a course of treatment, which is a YAG laser. I thought I could immediately restore the former skin statement after the treatment. But I didn’t know that I was “sensitive skin”, which I didn’t feel any improve after I blushing for 3 days, also the whiteheads still keep coming out. After I sharing my experience with my friends, I found that a YAG lasers is effective for some people, and some are as useless as me. Therefore, you have to find the right treatment according to your skin condition.

Later, my another friend suggested me to have a facial that the store take a natural route, instead of using laser, which the whole process is using massage and maintenance. At the first time, I thought it worked well on me, for my face just glows after the facial. However, I saw an article of the pimples need to be metabolized by mandelic acid, so I used it after I come home. By the end of 2017, the whiteheads suddenly come up a lot that I realized that the facial wasn’t well on me, which the reason the whiteheads disappear was because of mandelic acid; hence the situation of my skin didn’t improve much.



I went to Paris for working holiday at the beginning of 2018. The weather in Paris was very dry, which made my big acne instantly worse than in Taiwan. A friend who stay in Paris longer than me, suggested that I need to change the local skincare products, so I changed it. The condition of my skin has improved, but the fundamental problem has not been solved at all. (I think I really have the courage to take these photos for record it. lol)

2018年初,我就去了巴黎的Working holiday,巴黎天氣很乾,讓我的大悶痘瞬間又比在台灣變得更嚴重了,朋友建議我換當地的保養品,所以我就換了法國品牌的保養品,狀況是有改善一些,不過根本沒有解決根本問題。(我還真有勇氣拍下這些照片作記錄 xd)

I think that acne still need the mandelic acid to improve it. There are no mandelic acid products in Paris, so I asked my family to send it to me from Taiwan.


Due to my family business, I returned to Taiwan for helping them. My sister recommended a video to me, which is the Doctor Zhuang of the beauty clinic to explaining what cause the acnes come out and how to remove it. After I saw this vedio, I googled the information about this clinic and I made a photo call to get an appointment.

However, I did my first facial in this beauty clinic at that time, I clearly felt the improvement of my skin, that the pimples dissappear a lots. Furthermore, I bought the 4 courses for it.

The first two times, I went to there for doing facial on time. After then, I think my skin has improved a lot, which I start to rely on my own maintenance everyday. But I still back to there, once I get a big acne again.

2018年底,因為家人的關係回到台灣後,我姐跟我推薦了一支影片「美上美診所莊醫師」的影片,在影片裡,他訴說了形成痘痘的原因、要如何改善它。看了這支應片後,我開始上網google關於 美上美診所的資訊,網上很多人說因為去美上美治療,改善了他的痘痘狀況,看到那篇文章,我真的是手刀打電話去診所預約看診。


Causes of skin deterioration

Now I gonna tell you the reasons for my skin deterioration

1. Makeup

As I said at the beginning, in early 2016, I was exposed to make-up because of pyramid scheme, also I saw a well-known YouTuber Pony from South Korea sharing her makeup process on YouTube. I started to imitate her and learn how to makeup at that time, I even bought her makeup book! Therefore my makeup frequency is almost everday, which I put my mind on make-up, the negligence of maintenance is the main cause of my skin to be bad.




就像我剛開始所說的,我在 2016 年初時,因為經營直銷進而接觸到彩妝,且也看到韓國一個有名的 youtuber pony 在 youtube 上分享她化妝的過程,我就開始模仿他、學習化妝,那時甚至還有買他出的彩妝書呢!所以我化妝的頻率幾乎是每天。然而把心思都放在彩妝上面,對保養的疏忽是我爛臉的主因。

2. 沒有維持保養習慣 
3. 水質 
女生很容易因為這個原因而冒痘,尤其是在生理期來的前一週, 因為女性荷爾蒙發生變化、促進皮脂分泌,讓毛孔容易阻塞,就會長痘痘。像我自己在生理期來前,就一定會冒出一顆痘痘,提醒我:生理期快來了xd





4. 空氣污染


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