
What’s your favorite thing you want to do in Spring

Which season is your favorite?


Speaking of which season is your favorite, I believe so many people would choose spring, for not too cold and  hot. Honestly, my favorite season is winter, for I can wearing coat that I love it so much and wrapping up in my favorite scarves. But enough is enough, I think it’s time to enjoy the spring. Actually, I also love spring as everybody do, because I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring. Therefore, I am going to list you all my favorite things about spring, and why you should really appreciate it.

說到你最喜歡哪個季節,我相信會有很多人會選擇春天,因為春天不會太冷和太熱。 但老實說,我最喜歡的季節是冬天,因為我可以穿上我非常喜歡的外套,然後裹上我最喜歡的圍巾。 但是足夠了,我認為是時候享受春天了。 實際上,我也像每個人一樣喜歡春天,因為我喜歡看花草樹木的花開。 一切在冬天看上去都死了,然後在春天開始復活。 因此,我將列出與我有關春天的所有我最喜歡的事情,以及為什麼您應該真正欣賞它。


1. Have a picnic

As I mentioned it on the beginning, one of reason that I love spring is you can see the flower and trees bud and bloom again, which is the best time for take a chance to picnic. So you can have a great time to chit-chat with your friend, lover and family, for talk about everything, or you can lying down on the grass to read a book alone to enjoy the sunshine.


2. Do some outdoor exercises.

Do you sick of the indoor exercise? Just don’t wanna stay in the gym for do some training? Then, I think it’s perfect time that you can go out for some exercises, maybe you can go hiking, running, playing tennis etc.  The weather is so perfect that totally allow you to do it. 

你討厭室內運動嗎? 只是不想呆在健身房做一些訓練嗎? 那麼我認為現在是進行一些戶外運動的最佳時機,也許你可以去爬山、跑步、打網球等。天氣是如此完美,讓你完全可以這樣做。

3. Colorful wardrobe.

Are you tired about black, white and gray? Spring is about fresh as what I said of point 1, that it’s your perfect timing to let your wardrobe to be colorful, also it’s time to clean up your closet.

Less is more

Clear out your wardrobe, dresser or drawers – I’m sure you’ll find more than enough to get rid of! The best way to do this is following a simple rule: if you didn’t use it last year, you won’t use it this year. This is a great opportunity to donate some of your stuff to a local charity.

你是否對黑色,白色和灰色感到厭倦? 正如我在第1點所說的那樣,春天是新鮮的,這是使衣櫥變得色彩艷麗的絕佳時機。也是時候整理一下你的衣櫃了


清理一下衣櫃,梳妝台或抽屜–我敢肯定,你一定會找到很多你沒在用的東西! 最好的方法就是遵守一個簡單的規則:如果你去年沒有使用它,那麼今年就不會使用它。 這是也是你將一些沒在用的物品捐贈給當地慈善機構的絕佳機會。


4. cherry blossom viewing

Thanks to Asia, and in particular Japan, the world is full of cherry blossoms. According to the coronavirus, Japan may not be a good place to see it now. In fact, the cherry blossom can see it all around the world, such as DC, Sweden, Australia, Germany, Paris, the UK and even Canada. If you’re in Taiwan, you also can see the cherry blossom, but probably not as good as Japan.

However, in Paris, it never really comes up in the global cherry blossom conversation. As it turns out though, that you can see my photos, Paris is actually one of the best places in the world to see cherry blossoms.



5. Drink more water

Get your skin glowing again, flush out those toxins, replenish your cells. I bought a large bottle that I like to fill up every morning. For sure, I have to go to the bathroom a lot, but I also get to drink a huge amount of water, and it feels great.

讓你的皮膚再次發光吧,清除毒素、補充細胞。 我買了一個大瓶子,每天早上我都想裝滿。 當然,我必須經常去洗手間,同時我也需要喝大量的水,這感覺很棒。

6. Take care of your leg

Those poor things have been dry and hidden away all winter. So slather them with some lotion and get them ready to be flaunted, if you so choose!

那些可憐的雙腿除了非常乾燥之外,整個冬天都只能穿著褲子保暖,藏起來了。 因此,如果願意的話,可以用一些乳液塗抹它們,並準備好炫耀它們吧!

7. Make summer plans

Now is the ultimate time to start thinking big for the summer! It’s stretching out in front of you, full of possibilities. Places to go, people to see, fun to be had! So now is the time to start brainstorming about how to make this the best summer ever. Make tentative plans to travel abroad, to have a dinner party, to go camping or to see some old friends. If you start thinking about it now, there’s a much higher chance of it actually coming to fruition this summer, so get going!

I already make some plans for my summer, such like I will go to travel abroad with my friend and go camping with my friends for celebrate her birthday. lol 

現在是夏天開始大膽思考的最佳時機了! 例如思考可以去的地方、玩得開心等等! 因此,現在是時候去開始討論這個夏天能做什麼了。 可以是:制定出國旅行、晚餐party、露營或與一些老朋友聚一聚。 如果你現在就開始考慮它,那麼今年夏天它實際實現的可能性就大得多,現在就趕快開始吧!


How about you ? What’s topping your list of things to do this spring? I’d love an inspiration you could throw my way.

你呢 ? 你今年春季最重要的事情是什麼? 我希望以上幾點能激發你的靈感。


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