
The polka dot is always in fashion.

Do you love polka dot?

From Marilyn Monroe’s sexy two-piece swimsuit, Mary Quant’s full-length dress to Christian Dior’s chiffon dress with noble temperament, Polka dot dominated the fashion scene of the 50-60s, and its name is evolved from the movement of the Czech folk dance “Polka Dance”.

1830 Bohemia (current Czech republic), polka dancing becomes popular and eventually sweeps across Europe and the United States. It becomes so fashionable, marketers start adding “polka” to various items like the polka pudding, polka curtains, polka gauze, polka hats, shoes etc.

Nowadays, with the ingenuity of many designers, it has gradually developed creative deformations such as unit sizes of dot and colorful combinations.

從瑪麗蓮·夢露的性感兩件式泳衣,瑪麗·坎特(Mary Quant)的全長連衣裙到克里斯汀·迪奧(Christian Dior)的高貴氣質雪紡連衣裙,波爾卡圓點主導了50至60年代的時尚界,其名稱源於捷克民間舞蹈的運動。 波爾卡舞”。

1830年,波西米亞(現為捷克共和國)的波爾卡舞開始流行,並最終席捲了整個歐洲和美國。 它變得如此時尚,營銷人員開始在各種商品中添加“波爾卡”,例如波爾卡布丁,波爾卡窗簾,波爾卡紗布,波爾卡帽子,鞋子等。


In the 1940s and 50s Polka dots enter high-end fashion when Christian Dior released his “New Look” collection of hourglass dresses, many styles bedecked with dots. After a wartime period of shifting gender roles, Dior told Vogue that his collection sought “to make women extravagantly, romantically, eyelash-battingly female” again. Hollywood followed feminine suit, and the newly-ladylike print fast became popular with actresses.

在 1940 年代和 1950 年代,Christian Dior 發行了他的 New Look 沙漏連衣裙系列時,將波爾卡圓點進入了高端時尚。 在經歷了一段轉變性別角色的戰時時期之後,迪奧對《時尚》雜誌說,他的收藏再次尋求「讓女人變得奢侈,浪漫」。 好萊塢緊隨女性風采,polka dot 很快就受到女演員的歡迎。

The 1950s was the polka dot’s biggest decade. Everyone from movie stars to housewives dressed up in dots, and the polka dot pattern has been often associated with the 1950s ever since.

Today, polka dots have been integrated into the girls’ wardrobes without any sense of harmony. With a retro romantic girlish feeling, elegant French elegance or artistic style with avant-garde style, it adds rich style to modern women’s clothing and is even more popular, which now I am going to share some items of polka dot that you should have it!

1950年代是圓點最大的十年。 從電影明星到家庭主婦,每個人都點著點綴,從那時起,圓點花紋就經常與1950年代有關。

如今,波爾卡圓點已經融入女孩的衣櫥中,而沒有任何和諧感。 具有復古的浪漫少女氣息,優雅的法式優雅或前衛的藝術風格,它為現代女裝增添了濃郁的風格,並且更受歡迎,現在我將分享一些你應該要擁有的波爾卡圓點單品!

1. polka dot dress

If you don’t exclude the romantic style, then the polka dot dress will be your most dazzling fashionable weapon out of the street this summer. You can try a cute polka dot cake skirt dress, or A-line with fit tailored that I choose it.

* Intimate reminder: For girls with a plump body, you should try more smaller polka dot unit; instead, while girls with a thin body can boldly try a larger polka dot style.

如果你不排斥浪漫風格,那麼圓點連衣裙將是你今年夏天出街最耀眼的時尚武器。 你可以嘗試一件可愛的圓點蛋糕裙式連衣裙或我選擇的量身定制的A字型洋裝。

*溫馨提示:對於身材豐滿的女孩,你應該嘗試更小的圓點單位; 相反的,如果你是身材瘦小的女孩就可以大膽嘗試更大的圓點樣式。


The rhythmic polka dots, coupled with the tailoring that blends into the holiday atmosphere such as large puff sleeves, or the princess sleeves that highlight the elegant temperament, that you can only put on a denim pants to finish this easy outfit style. In terms of materials, the cotton, silk, and chiffon can bring out the leisure and romantic charm of wave points.

有節奏的波爾卡圓點,再加上融入 holiday 氣氛的剪裁,例如泡泡袖或彰顯優雅氣質的公主袖,你只能需要穿件牛仔長褲就可以完成這種輕鬆的裝扮風格。 在材料方面,棉,絲綢和雪紡可以帶來波點的休閒和浪漫魅力。

3. polka dot scarf

If you don’t want Polka Dot to occupy the overall image in a large area, you can also use only small accessories to show it, which you also can let Polka Do dance a dynamic movement on scarf. Actually it’s not only in scarf, also in handbags, and shoes etc.

Especially you can using the polka dot to match with a simple white T-shirt and denim pants to shape the lazy and fashionable Parisian girl image on you.

如果你不希望Polka Dot 在大面積上佔據整體形象,則也可以僅使用較小的配件進行展示,也可以讓Polka Do在出現在圍巾。 實際上,不僅在圍巾上,在手提包和鞋子上也是如此。


In my case, I only using polka dot scarf as my hair band to match all black style, that I shaped different way of Parisian girl style.


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