
Outfit : Time to wear Bike Shorts

Time to wear Bike Shorts

Bike shorts caused quite the stir last summer, with fashion girls all over the world embracing the controversial trend. And while we weren’t quite sure of their longevity, after seeing our favorite celebrities, from Kendal Jenner to GiGi Hadid , manufacturing pairs of their own style, it’s clear bike shorts aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. But I can assure you that we will see it again this year.

The details & How do I dressing up:

I pace myself going into the week, so for my first outfit I went with black shorts and a white shirt. This ended up being one of my favorite looks because of how simple and easy it was, while still being a deviation from my usual style.

As usual, I never forgot the rule of accessories, which I using a metal belt on the waist to show my waist line. However, I also wearing the metal earring and a black hat with metal button. In this outfit, the metal element is my point that you can see it in the belt, earring and hat.

去年夏天,自行車短褲引起了極大的轟動,全世界的時尚女孩都在擁抱這個有爭議的趨勢。雖然我們不確定他們的壽命,但在看到我們最喜歡的名人(從Kendal Jenner到GiGi Hadid)後,他們製造出了自己的風格,但很明顯,自行車短褲很快就不會流行了。不過我可以向您保證,我們今年會再次看到它。


我適應了本週的節奏,所以在我的第一件衣服中,我搭配了黑色短褲和白色襯衫。 由於它是如此的簡單和易用,因此最終成為我最喜歡的外觀之一,同時仍然偏離了我通常的風格。

像往常一樣,我從來沒有忘記配件的規則,我在腰部使用金屬皮帶來顯示腰線。 然而,我也戴著金屬耳環和帶金屬鈕扣的黑帽子。 在這件衣服中,「金屬元素」是我的重點,所以你才會在皮帶,耳環和帽子中看到金屬元素的出現。

What am I wearing?

Bike Shorts :  Zara

Belt : from my closet.

Top : Émffei

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