7 style trends to know in Winter 2020

In years past, winter wear has been straightforward, emphasizing either comfort and warmth or glittery party attire, also from the leather to quilting to flashes of velvet, the key winter pieces are not never-been-seen, but novel circumstances mean the trends will be worn differently than in years prior, which norms are rapidly being redefined, and fashion must also continue to adapt to a new way of being.

Winter is my favorite season, for with the need to wear more, comes the scope for some sartorial creativity, which is why it is one of my favorite times of the year to get dressed.



1. Cold Weather Leathers

Leather is always classical in winter.

Invest in a buttery leather shirt that you can layer over a turtleneck for the coldest of days, at the mean thime you also can wear it as a jacket, or go for short skirt that breathe new life into any one of your style. I never thought I would wear this leather short skirt, for this style is not my style; however, someday my head popped up a thought that tell me I should try different style that I never try it before, which you can see in the photo. lol

投資一件皮革襯衫,因為你可以在最冷的日子裡,裡頭搭配高領毛衣,平均來說,你也可以將它當作夾克穿著。或者穿短裙,為你的任何一種風格注入新的活力。 我從沒想過會穿這條皮革短裙,因為這種風格不是我的風格。 然而,有一天我的腦袋突然冒出一個念頭,告訴我應該嘗試以前從未嘗試過的不同風格,也就是你在照片中看到的。 

2. Camel Coats

Camel Coats that will never go out of style

A camel coat is a wardrobe hero that works for just about every occasion. Brisk walk to the office? Camel coat. Casual weekend jaunt? Camel coat. Obviously, camel tones are popular in every year that it continues to occupy a place of fashion in 2021, which A camel coat must become a staple for your wardrobe in winter.

駝色大衣是幾乎在任何場合都可以使用的衣櫃英雄。 快步走到辦公室時,你不知道穿什麼的時候,你會選「駝色大衣」。 週末閒逛時,相信你還是會選駱駝大衣。 顯然,駱駝色調每年都會流行,直到2021年它仍將繼續佔據時尚的位置,駱駝外套必須在冬天成為你衣櫃中的必備品。

3. scarf or silk scarf

I’m high-key obsessed with silk scarves. Although so many people think they are purely a warm-weather extra only to be worn on a spring day or autumn day, the beauty of this piece’s simplicity is that it can totally be added to a cold-weather outfit too.

我對絲綢圍巾著迷。 儘管有很多人認為僅在春季或秋季佩戴它們純粹是溫暖的天氣,但此款商品的簡單性在於它也可以完全添加到寒冷的天氣中。

In this season, you also can use silk scarf as hair accessories.


4. Statement Hats

In winter, I think hat is important of outfit, which it’s can protect you that you can keep your head warm and stay away from headache that the cold wind blow will make your head uncomfortable; however, wearing a hat can take a lot of courage at first as you tend to think everyone is staring at you, but once you get over this you’ll notice how a hat really does make an outfit. Wearing the right hat can either make or break an outfit.

在冬天,我認為帽子是穿搭的重要組成部分,可以使你的頭部保持溫暖,並遠離頭痛,因為冷風吹打會使你的頭部不舒服。 然而,一開始戴帽子時,你可能會需要勇氣,因為你會認為每個人都在盯著你,一旦你克服了這一點,你就會注意到帽子的確能真正構成穿搭。 戴上正確的帽子可以使服裝成敗。

5. Boots

Boots are an absolute must in the wintertime, that goes without saying. They’re practical, easy to wear, and downright essential when the temperatures dip. For now you can choose so many different boots to match your outfit. My favorite style of boots is the-over-knee booties, for I can get a perfect proportions; moreover, the second style that I love is combats boots when I wearing the short pants to show my legs.


Well, let’s be honest. A good majority of winter boots out there are just plain ugly making it a difficult task to style them and still look cool. But, with the right pair boots and the perfect outfit, it is possible, which sometimes you can choose different style of boots.

好吧,說實話 絕大部分冬季靴子都很醜陋,這使樣式設計和外觀看起來仍然很困難。 但是,只要搭配合適的靴子和完美的服裝,就有可能,有時你可以選擇其他風格的靴子。

6. Chain Necklaces Worn with Hoop Earrings

When it comes to accessorizing, sometimes more is more. This season, why not add a chic chain necklace with a pair of stunning hoops? These classic jewelry options are timeless in design and work with every type of outfit. Opt for gold or silver for a traditional feel, or inject a little color into your outfit with a statement piece? You’ll want to rock this combo every day, no matter where you’re heading.

5 ways to wear the chain necklaces

談到配飾,有時更多。 這個季節,為什麼不添加一條時尚的鍊式項鍊和一對精美的耳環呢? 這些經典的珠寶選擇在設計上歷久彌新,可與各種服裝搭配使用。 選擇傳統風格的金色或銀色,還是通過個性宣言為你的衣服注入些許色彩? 無論你身在何處,我相信你都希望每天都搖擺不定。

7. Vintage Logo

The logo mania was not as strong as the previous seasons. But we can notice that big fashion houses are currently revamping their logos for a more vintage look (Burberry, Dior, Fendi).

徽標狂熱不如以前的季節強。 但是我們可以注意到,大型時裝公司目前正在修改其徽標,以使外觀更加複古(Burberry、Dior、Fendi)。


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