
5 Basics worth items if you wearing in Jeans and Sneakers.

do you love jeans and sneakers

There’s a strong chance that you wear jeans and sneakers on the regular, just like me do. I think there are a few basic items that it’s very worth owning to keep those denim fits as fresh and elevated as possible. To highlight all of this further, I rounded up some of my favorite fashion-girl outfits that zero in on the basics worth owning if you live in jeans and sneaker.

像我一樣,你很有可能會定期穿著牛仔褲和運動鞋。 我認為有一些基本物品非常值得擁有,以使這些牛仔布適合度盡可能高和新鮮。為了進一步強調所有這些內容,我整理了一些我最喜歡的時尚女孩服裝,如果你生活在牛仔褲和運動鞋中,那麼這些服裝基本都值得擁有。

1. unique top shirt

If you wearing the basic jeans and white sneaker, then what will makes you totally different? The key point is definitely an unique top shirt. You don’t have to wear the colourful costumes, such as this photo of me, which you just need to wear an unique shirt that you think is a special for you. I believe that will makes a highlight of your outfit.

如果你穿著基本的牛仔褲和白色運動鞋,那麼什麼會讓您與眾不同? 關鍵絕對是一件獨特的上衣。 你不必像我的照片那樣,穿上很七彩的上衣,你只需要穿一件您認為很特別的獨特襯衫即可。 我相信這會成為你穿搭的亮點。

2. hat

Baseball hat is always classical for jeans and sneakers.

Sometimes I don’t know what to wear with jeans and sneakers, that I will match it with a baseball hat and white T-shirt to keep it simple and stylish.  However, if you want to look more like fashion, then you can wear a pair of sunglasses.

What to Wear When You Don’t Know What to Wear

棒球帽始終是牛仔褲和運動鞋的經典之作。有時我不知道該如何搭配牛仔褲和運動鞋,我會搭配棒球帽和白色T卹使它保持簡單時尚。 然而,如果你想看起來更時尚,那麼可以戴一副太陽鏡。

3. blazer

A modern blazer in a loose cut brings that easy polish to a denim outfit. I’m particularly into this look featuring the trendy flared or straight pants.

寬鬆款式的現代西裝外套為牛仔裝帶來輕鬆上光的感覺。 我特別喜歡這種特色的喇叭褲或直筒褲。

4. leather jacket.

As I told before, that a leather Jacket always looks cool! However the wider-leg jeans with canvas sneakers are already cool on their own, but the addition of a leather topper, it takes that laid-back vibe to the next level.


5. Trend coat.

Elevate jeans, a white T-shirt, and sneakers even more with a very right now trench coat. Chic and sophisticated. Trench coat is my favorite items of spring season, you know, just like now, I always love to wear it when i go to work. Because the trench coat is not only a casual style for your holiday, but also a formal style for work.

現在搭配一件風衣,進一步提升牛仔褲,白色T恤和運動鞋的檔次。 別緻而精緻。 風衣是我春季最喜歡的外套,就像現在一樣,上班時我總是喜歡穿它。 因為風衣不僅是您度假的休閒風格,還是工作的正式風格。


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